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My husband and kiddos mean everything to me, and I love teaching those sassy 8th graders! Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5&6

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Broken Hearted

Ok, time to blow off some steam... We are reading The Outsiders in my classes. On Tuesday, the students were given a Character Trait worksheet, on the character Ponyboy, worth 25 points to be completed by Friday of this week. We are covering chapters one through three, and those chapters are full of references to Ponyboy's character. When I gave that assignment, I was thinking, "This will be easy points for these guys." I gave reminders each day and even handed out a couple of extra worksheets to those unorganized students who had misplaced theirs. Luckily for them, I had already decided to let them put finishing touches on their Character Trait worksheets as their bellwork on Friday. I was shocked at their unpreparedness. As I walked around the room during bellwork time, so many students hadn't brought their worksheets AT ALL! I was so tempted to let them just suffer the consequences, but I love them too much and want so badly for them to do well. I just passed out the blank copies to those that didn't have theirs. One student even had the nerve to say, "You expect us to finish this in only 15 minutes?" My response was, "No, I expected you to finish in 3 days. The 'only 15 minutes' part is your fault." Having said all that, my question is this: How does a teacher NOT take it personally when students choose not to complete assignments? It literally hurt my feelings that so many made no attempt to complete the assignment. I don't know. I'm going to either become cold and indifferent, continue with a broken heart, or find some happy medium. Cold and indifferent is not my style. The only way I'm going there is involuntarily. Continuing with a broken heart is taking its toll on me, but I don't know how to reach that happy medium. Until then, I guess I'll just be broken hearted. On the flip side of the coin, am I enabling them to be irresponsible by repeatedly providing 'lost' material? I guess I am having a hard time drawing the proverbial line in the sand regarding my expectations of them. I know this is just a blog, but feel free to offer advice if you have any. I would love to get some feedback on this. Thanks!

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