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My husband and kiddos mean everything to me, and I love teaching those sassy 8th graders! Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5&6

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Figure That Language!

Metaphors are monsters to come up with! Similes are like butterflies lighting on various objects, loosely linking them together. Alliteration makes my mind mosh modishly through many mantras. Personification rears its ugly head when you least expect it. Assonance makes me aim lazy brain cells mainly at the vowels. Hyperboles are so hard to come up with that it makes my head want to explode! Idioms make me feel as old as the hills. Onomatopoeias ZIP! and ZING! through my head, and all I want to do is to grab some Zs....

So as you can see figurative language really can be fun;
It can make your writings interesting, and they'll shine like the sun!
Your prose can have a lot of flare and even make people smile,
But include a sound device or two if you really want to add style!

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