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My husband and kiddos mean everything to me, and I love teaching those sassy 8th graders! Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5&6

Monday, November 29, 2010

Character Day

The faculty and students at Crossett Middle School participated in our first annual Character Day on November 5th. Almost every teacher participated. The students were shocked to see so many of the teachers dressed-up in elaborate costumes. Among the teachers was a queen, a princess, Juliet, Medusa, King Henry VIII, Dorothy from Wizard of Oz, a chimney sweep from Mary Poppins, Little Red Riding Hood, Thelma from Scooby Doo, The Wicked Witch, and many more. Several of my students dressed up. They were so cute! My class had their final exam on the book The Outsiders that day. In honor of that book, I dressed-up as a Greaser Girl. I spent the day with a bouffant hair-do, black leather jacket, 60s style sunglasses, black capris, black pumps, and RED lipstick. I used the best Greaser Girl attitude I could muster. Ha ha. My students seemed to have had a blast making fun of me. It was a lot of fun. Periodically throughout the day, three students from each grade level made their way around to each of the teachers to judge for the "Student Favorite." At the afternoon assembly in the auditorium, the three teachers that were judged "Student Favorites" were invited to the stage and given candy. There were judges present from the Educational Alliance, The Rotary Club, and other civic organizations to vote on the students' best character costumes. The first place student winner received candy and their name on a huge trophy that will sit proudly in our CMS showcase in the foyer all year. In conclusion, Character Day generated some welcomed school spirit and a great Literacy buzz about books! We are hoping next year will be even bigger!

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