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My husband and kiddos mean everything to me, and I love teaching those sassy 8th graders! Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5&6

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Braincruching Bloom's"

With a heavy heart I drove all the way home;
Straight home, I tell you, with no time to roam.
So much to do and spread so thin,
No cooking tonight; it's Popeye's again.
I must enter grades and complete lesson plans,
But I must be quick, every second flows the sand.
For UAM calls and nips at my heals.
Will I complete my book talk? Only time will reveal.
I rush the kids through homework and clean up the mess
Of another meal I didn't cook, I must confess.
So I get the kids quiet, sequestered in their rooms;
I must get relief from this impending doom.
I must get finished on what has begun;
Braincrunching Blooms is a load of... fun. :)
But wait just a minute, and you will see,
It's not the book I'm poking fun at, it is me.
Trying to find this balance between family, work, and school
Is starting to turn my brain to mush and from my mouth, drool.
But there's no better feeling under the sun
Than turning that 11pm project in at 10:51!
Good night, farewell, au revoir, auf vedasane...
Here's to hoping the next 4 hours of sleep will help keep me sane.
And enter another day where the sun shall rise
If God is willing and the creek doesn't rise.
As we march once again into the land of kids
Where we hope just one will flip their lid
And come to understand a concept or two
Don't forget to apply, analyze, and evaluate too!

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